12 July 2010

Africa Project

Does Anybody want to help me go to East Africa? On July 22nd, I will be leading a group of 19 individuals to Kenya to host a Vacation Bible School for Tumaini Miles of Smiles School and Orphanage. Feel free to check out their site www.tumainimilesofsmiles.org. Tumaini is the Swahili word for HOPE, and this place truly is a beacon of HOPE in their community. There are currently 33 orphans living in the Tumaini home ranging from 5 months to 13 years of age. There are nearly 200 students in the school from Pre-K to 6th grade. God has allowed me to invest in these people's lives for the last three years, and I am very excited to return with a new group of individuals very soon. Please contact me if you have any questions. God bless you as you seek HIS best for your life!


Sara Beth



I am selling Africa Silly Bandz to support orphan care and advocacy in Africa. Please buy some bandz and tell your friends, too! If you don't want to use paypal, just message me, and I will contact you about your purchase. THANKS!!

Silly Band Pricing

03 July 2010

Journey to JOY

The vast majority of the first 31 years of my life were filled with happiness. I had a happy childhood. Unlike most people, I absolutely LOVED middle school AND high school. I was very content in college in Tennessee. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in grad school in Texas. I have a passion for travel, and have been so blessed by many opportunities to see the world. I come from an amazing family. If I could choose any marriage to emulate, it would be my parent’s. They have been married 45 years this year and not only still love each other, but they still even like each other. Sure there were difficult times – I am not attempting to paint a picture of Wonderland – but I have known true happiness in my life.

I believe that is one reason that the last two years of my life have been so incredibly difficult. Sometimes for Christians in America it is so easy to confuse happiness with JOY. Happiness is not a negative thing, so don’t hear me say that…..but for the most part, happiness comes when your flesh is made content. Your marriage is going well. Your kids are chasing after the things of God. Your expectations are met. You receive the praise that you deserve. You feel in control of your life. You are comfortable. Things are going your way, so you are happy.

Only when things took a pause from being ideal in my life – was I really challenged on the difference between happiness and JOY. In a twelve month period – I experienced shattered expectations from a broken dating relationship, my car was totaled in an accident, I had pneumonia in the middle of a Georgia summer, my job in ministry was no longer fulfilling, and my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. The happiness rug was ripped out from under me, and I was at a loss.

Where was God and what the HECK was he doing? Peace, contentment, and JOY were nowhere to be found once my circumstances were not of MY choosing. THIS SHOULD NOT BE! The last year of my life has been what I like to call my Journey to JOY. I would like to share just a few unexpected jewels that God has given me on this journey.

First, so many times you have to FIGHT FOR JOY. Satan wants nothing more than to keep you from God’s best. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy – and ironically enough, sometimes he uses happiness to do that. We get so comfortable in the ease of life – that often we miss God’s invitation for more. Time alone with God and in His word are essential in this fight for JOY. There is a battle going on – and we have to be prepared to be the warrior that God has created us to be. True JOY usually does not come without a fight.

Next – Joy often comes with two unexpected companions – brokenness and surrender. Isn’t this the total opposite of what we would choose if we were the ones writing the story? My choice companions to joy would be celebration and peace – not brokenness and surrender. Ladies and Gentlemen, we must EMBRACE BROKENNESS in order to find the JOY of the Lord. If we say that happiness comes from the flesh needs being met, then often times God will shake loose those foundations that we have depended on more than Him. When you are willing to give God freedom to uproot idols, then pain will always come before JOY. Brokenness is not to be avoided or feared. We have been crucified with Christ (this is painful) but Christ now lives in us (this is JOYFUL). Here is the tricky part – we have to choose brokenness and surrender. God extends an invitation, but he does not force you to choose the hard road…..we can say no to the crucifixion process. Just a reminder, though, where there is a crucifixion and God is involved, there is always a resurrection! Hebrews 12:2 says, “Jesus, who for the JOY that was set before Him, endured the cross.” Enduring the cross…..PAINFUL. Expectation of heaven, JOYFUL. Get the picture? Let Christ be our example in every way, even in this pursuit of JOY.

Lastly, learning to TRUST God when things don’t make sense to us is essential to finding true JOY. Currently, my life does not make sense to me. Some of the issues that ‘stole my happiness’ in my wilderness time, have been resolved. Praise the Lord, my mother is cancer free as of her scan a few months ago. Some of my issues are not resolved. God has still not revealed to me the man of my dreams, although my standards keep getting higher and higher. My future is still uncertain, and yet I have a peace that truly does surpass all understanding. Accompanying that peace is a true JOY. If I continue to live a surrendered life, continue to fight for JOY, and continue to trust that God has the best plan for me even when I have absolutely NO CLUE what He is doing – then peace and contentment will be my companions, as well.

The uncertainty of my circumstances is but a minor detail. The JOY that God gives is beyond circumstances. JOY can be continuous in our lives because it is grounded in the unchanging nature of God and nothing else. Psalm 87:7 says, “All my springs of JOY are in you.”

What about you? Can you discern happiness from JOY in your own life? Do you find yourself in a current fight for JOY? Are you willing to be surrendered and broken as part of the process? Do you trust God even when even when you can’t make sense of what you can see?

God desires that Galatians 2:20 be our heart’s cry. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. “ When this is our heart’s desire we receive HIS PEACE , HIS JOY, HIS HOPE – so as we continue to prepare for all that God has in store for us, won’t you join me in the pursuit of JOY?


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