15 August 2007

Kenya Thoughts 1

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

This is one of the many Bible verses that has new meaning to me because of my time in Kenya. I have been on MANY mission projects since I began working at International Sports Federation. I don’t think any place has captured my heart like the Tumaini Miles of Smiles Center.

Rose Bugusu has vision and passion that exceeds most any other person that I have ever met. She sensed God’s calling her to live out James 1:27 by taking care of orphans and widows in Western Kenya. God is DEFINITELY using her in mighty ways. Rose lives in a rustic village in the Kakamega District, called Kakoi. The average monthly income is $30 USD. Currently she has around 20 orphans that she helps take care of, seven of which actually stay in her three room, mud house with her. Many of these children are students at Tumaini School (the Swahili word for HOPE). There are 12 widows who earn their keep by cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. There are 135 children in the school ages 4-12. Rose truly is a beacon of hope for these orphans, widows, and students. God is using her and this ministry in AMAZING ways. I want to share with others what God is doing in Kakoi.

In 2002, a friend asked Rose if she had ever heard of the internet, and she had not. The village has only had electricity for one year, and most of the houses still have no access to electricity or running water. This friend opened her eyes to the world wide web, and God began to instill a curiosity in Rose. She began to wonder, “How can I use this tool to let people know about what God is doing in Kakoi?” She began to surf the web, looking for Christian chat rooms and ministry websites. Thankfully, God allowed her to cross paths with SportsPlus. Rose and I began corresponding in the fall of 2006 about the possibility of partnering together on a short-term mission project.

In July, I had the opportunity to travel to Kakoi with 9 other volunteers. This adventure, along with other thoughts in my head have inspired this new blog site. Take these thoughts, opinions, frustrations, etc. for what they are worth. Feel free to contact me or comment on these ponderings. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

This is Rose, this a powerful testimony, I love this blog! I have read this with lots of tears, I thank God for everything and for even enabling me and Sara to meet. I didnt know Sara realised all these, and I thank God that he revealed all these to her.

God has created us for his own purpose and glory and I thank him for Sara and her team. We were blessed and there coming to Tumaini has really left a mark.
May God continue to use you Sara and all who will stand with her.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara, just wanting to say thankyou so much for sharing your experiences with us. You are a remarkable lady! I visited Tumaini early this year and I am hoping to return soon...Everything you said is so so true..we take so much for granted in life..I honestly feel our society is so far removed from the rest of the world that we've lost sight of what truly matters in life. Thanks again Sara. Wishing you peace, love and happiness. With warm wishes, Teresa


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