09 July 2011

New Family Update -

Hello Everyone! Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. Here is another update from my crazy medically-challenged family.

Dad - He continues to recover really well. He is five weeks post quadruple bypass. He starts cardiac rehab on Monday (July 11). He is walking about a mile a day and looks great! He has lost quite a bit of weight. He still gets tired easily, but everyone seems thrilled with his progress.

My aunt and grandmother were in a bad car accident on June 26th. My aunt is still on a respirator and has undergone several surgeries for a crushed elbow and a ruptured diaphram. She also has staph infection, so she has been quarantined. She has now been in ICU for two weeks. My grama has been moved to a temporary rehabilitation center in Elizabethtown. I have an aunt and uncle that live there. This is also close to her home, as well.

Mom - She and I traveled on Thursday back to Boston for a biopsy on one of the new tumors that showed up on her June CT scan. They were doing a needle biopsy on a tumor at the back of her abdominal wall. During the procedure, they hit a blood vessel causing internal bleeding. She spent 8 hours in the ER yesterday being poked and prodded to determine if the bleeding was going to resolve itself or if she would have to have surgery to stop the bleeding. She already had to fast for the original biopsy. She had to contine the fast due to the possibility of having surgery. After 43 hours without food or drink, she was finally able to eat dinner tonight. She has had a blood transfusion as well as two bags of potassium. We assume since they cleared her to eat that she will not be having surgery, but we are not sure of her release from the hospital. She finally left the ER and was admitted into the oncology wing around 2:30 am this morning.

Please continue to pray for all of us. We need it. For the MOST part, our spirits are high. None of us are going down without a fight, for sure!


Shelly said...

Wow. Talk about fig trees!
I'm glad I saw this tonight---I will be praying hard. ell your mom I love her and am praying for her. And I'm praying for you my friend.

Anonymous said...

Praying, and believing He not only can but will answer. Michelle


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