02 December 2011


I am excited for the first time since June.  God has given me a vision for a ministry to look after orphans and widows.  Check out the temporary website: http://www.127worldwide.org/.  The ministry is named after James 1:27 which says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  One of the first ways I want to get the word out about 127 is through an initiative called, "Ruthie's Box."

My mother had an infamous box in her dresser drawers. Each paycheck, she would put cash into a cardboard box that was duct taped shut with a small incision in the top which allowed her to make deposits. Perhaps the duct tape tricked her mind into thinking that this cash was off limits to everyday expenditures. The box was for a special need or a rainy day. My mom was very generous with the contents of her box, and she always wanted to have immediate money available as each need arose.

My mother, one of the strongest people that I have ever met, lost a dreadful battle with cancer on August 13, 2011. In the last few days of life, one thing that she reminded us of was, “Don’t forget about my box.” Our family had been planning a vacation for many months, and we were hoping that mom would be able to join us. Unfortunately that was not the way things worked out, but you would never imagine what we found when we opened up the box about a month after she passed away. My mother spent the last months of her life – in the midst of many trials in addition to cancer - stocking up more than $1,100 in her duct tape box!

I have prayed for God to make a way for my mother’s legacy to continue on throughout my life, and I believe that there will be many future opportunities for this. However, the first one that I want to publicize through 127 WorldWide is “Ruthie’s Box.” This will be a special fund that will be used as needs arise within the ministry. This money will not be used for salaries or light bills. Rather, it will be used for necessary purchases that will enhance what God is doing through 127 to look after orphans and widows around the globe. A few examples of these expenses would be web development and maintenance, travel expenses, displays, brochures, business cards, etc. As we are just in the infancy phase of ministry, these necessary purchases can be overwhelming. I am asking that you help to honor the life of Ruthie Fentress by making a contribution to Ruthie’s Box.

Simply make the check out to 127 WorldWide and write “Ruthie’s Box” on the memo line. All donations are potentially tax deductible as 127WW is finalizing their 501c3 tax exempt status with the IRS. Mail all contributions for Ruthie’s Box to 127 Worldwide PO Box 1277, Woodstock, GA 30188.  You can also click on the DONATE BUTTON below.

30 August 2011

Mom's Welcome

Here is what I shared at my mother's funeral.

On behalf of the entire Fentress and Wilson families, I would like to thank you for coming today. Our family has been overwhelmed with cards, meals, and visits during the entire summer. The prayers have come without ceasing from literally all over the world. We have been surrounded by so much love and support, and we are so grateful.

My mother loved people. Your coming here today is a testimony of that love. She loved her students. How appropriate that this is the first day of a new school year in Anderson County. She loved teaching. She loved her church. She taught Sunday school for twenty five years. She loved her friends. Church friends, school friends, Gideon & Auxillary friends. She loved her family. She would have done anything for someone that she loved. My mom loved well.

We truly want to celebrate her legacy today. This side of heaven, we will never know the extent of the seeds that she planted during the time that God allowed her to live on this earth. We believe that her time here was too short, but she definitely made a powerful investment throughout her lifetime. Mom invested in you in some way or you wouldn’t be here today. Maybe she helped you improve your handwriting by making you write, “I will not talk in Mrs. Fentress’ class” 100 times. I did have written here that even Julie and I had to write sentences……but I found out this morning that Julie did NOT have to write sentences. It won’t surprise many of you that I am the daughter that had to write sentences in my mother’s class. Maybe she enriched your life by educating you about the true blessing of Sonic happy hour – Diet Coke with a little bit of Dr. Pepper was her special request. Maybe she taught you history, VBS, Sunday school. My mom loved to help people.

She was grateful for the life that God gave her. Even in her sickness, she brought Glory to God. A few weeks ago, I overheard mom talking to someone on the phone. She was telling them that she had lived a blessed life. She was thankful to God for the life that He had given her. We will grieve. We will long for heaven like never before. However, we will not grieve as those who have no Hope. Mom’s favorite song was Great is thy Faithfulness, and it was HER wish that we all sing that together today. Let’s cling to these words as we remember a life that lived these words out in the flesh.

Thank you for coming today to help us celebrate a life well lived….the life of Ruthie Fentress.

Reality has landed.

On August 13th, one of the greatest women I have ever known (who also happens to be my mother) entered heaven. (obituary of Ruthie Fentress) She was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma in October of 2010 after a battle with breast cancer in 2009. As far as we know, the cancers were completely unrelated. So, without ONE regret, I came home to spend as much time with her as I possibly could.

My grama (mom's mom) also passed away this summer on July 16th. My mom lived on this earth for 28 days without her mother. If I live 28 YEARS without my mom, then I will just be 62. Longevity of life runs in my family. I could even live ANOTHER 28 years without my mom and I will be 90. That is 56 years without my mom on this earth. Now, I know that I could get hit by a bus on my way home today or better yet Jesus could come back in the blink of an eye, but just stay with me for a few moments.

THIS is where my grief is settling in. I am not sad for my mother. As much as she loves our family, she wouldn't want to come back even if she were healthy. Ultimately, our hearts were created to long for heaven. My deepest sadness comes when I try to wrap my brain around how I can begin to grieve the future that I thought I would have with mom. I am still hopeful that a wedding day is in my future (miracles still happen, people!). Even if I never get married, I am pretty sure that adopting children from Africa is in my future. I am in the beginning phases of working with some amazing people to start a non profit ministry helping orphans and widows. How will there be joy in these things without my #1 cheerleader?? I know there WILL be joy, I just don't understand HOW it happens from my current perspective. I miss her so much already, and it has only been 2.5 weeks.

In the next few posts, I am going to attempt to process what God has been teaching me through this time of trial, and I know that this education process is only beginning.

Thanks to each of you for the support and prayers. God Bless you where HE has you on this crazy journey!

04 August 2011

Summer straight from Hades -

I know many of you continue to wonder how my family is doing. Here is an update.

First, I wanted to give an update on my mom. We had two consecutive weekends in the ER in Mid-July. The last ER visit, they did a CAT scan checking for internal bleeding from a biopsy malfunction in Boston. This was June 16, also the same day we learned of the death of her mother (my grama) who was in a car accident mid-June. Mom's scan on that Saturday showed many new growths and rapid increase of original tumors. She could no longer eat solid food because there are many tumors in her intestines obstructing her bowels.

We went through visitation, funeral, and burial of my grandmother with my mom on a completely liquid diet. We buried my grandmother on Monday - and on Tuesday, after visiting with mom's oncologist, we agreed as a family to stop treatments for my mom's cancer. The oncologist actually said there is nothing more that we can do.....miraculous healing is the only option left. We have called in hospice. My heart is broken, but I know God is faithful. I know many of you have been praying, but I ask that you continue to pray for my family during this seemingly unending nightmare.

We are now two weeks into hospice care, and we are very pleased with the nurses, social workers, aides, etc. on the hospice staff. Some days are better than others for her, but mom is comfortable and at peace, for the most part. She has always loved listening to southern gospel music, but it seems moreso the last few weeks she is listening to songs about Heaven. The other day I was getting ready for church and I overheard mom singing, "Great is they Faithfulness" with Bill Gaither on the television. There is my mom....drinking an Ensure shake, eating jello, battling cancer like never before, and singing "strength for today, bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside." Obviously, I had to re-apply mascara after this little episode. She really is one of the most amazing people that I have ever met!

If you want to send her a card, she loves to look at them. Feel free to send them to Ruthie Fentress, 1221 Stoneridge Rd, Lawrenceburg KY 40342. God bless you and your family!

You Make Beautiful Things

This song caught my attention on the radio this week. I wanted to share with the two people that actually read my blog. :)

09 July 2011

Laura Story's song Blessings

I was recently introduced to Laura Story's music. This song is very fitting to what my family is currently experiencing. I have been so blessed to have been raised in a strong Christian family. Aside from salvation, this is God's greatest gift to me! I have a fairly strong theological foundation, and I am also a processor. I think about things too much, usually. I really struggle with the truths in this song. There is a difference in being fully confident in God's ABILITY to do something and BELIEVING that he WILL do something. In addition, it is difficult to comprehend in my flesh how God's sovereignty NOT matching my desires can really be the best plan. Anyway, I am going to be blogging about some of these thoughts over the next few weeks, but I wanted you to read the lyrics of the song and then listen to it. I would love to know your thoughts.

We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering

All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?

What if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise?

We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough

And all the while You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?

And what if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?

What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst
This world can’t satisfy?

And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise?

New Family Update -

Hello Everyone! Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. Here is another update from my crazy medically-challenged family.

Dad - He continues to recover really well. He is five weeks post quadruple bypass. He starts cardiac rehab on Monday (July 11). He is walking about a mile a day and looks great! He has lost quite a bit of weight. He still gets tired easily, but everyone seems thrilled with his progress.

My aunt and grandmother were in a bad car accident on June 26th. My aunt is still on a respirator and has undergone several surgeries for a crushed elbow and a ruptured diaphram. She also has staph infection, so she has been quarantined. She has now been in ICU for two weeks. My grama has been moved to a temporary rehabilitation center in Elizabethtown. I have an aunt and uncle that live there. This is also close to her home, as well.

Mom - She and I traveled on Thursday back to Boston for a biopsy on one of the new tumors that showed up on her June CT scan. They were doing a needle biopsy on a tumor at the back of her abdominal wall. During the procedure, they hit a blood vessel causing internal bleeding. She spent 8 hours in the ER yesterday being poked and prodded to determine if the bleeding was going to resolve itself or if she would have to have surgery to stop the bleeding. She already had to fast for the original biopsy. She had to contine the fast due to the possibility of having surgery. After 43 hours without food or drink, she was finally able to eat dinner tonight. She has had a blood transfusion as well as two bags of potassium. We assume since they cleared her to eat that she will not be having surgery, but we are not sure of her release from the hospital. She finally left the ER and was admitted into the oncology wing around 2:30 am this morning.

Please continue to pray for all of us. We need it. For the MOST part, our spirits are high. None of us are going down without a fight, for sure!

29 June 2011

Update on the Family

Many of you have been praying for our family recently. In the past 3 and 1/2 weeks my dad has had quadruple bypass surgery, my mom's last scan for cancer showed three new growths, and my aunt and grandmother (mom's side) were in a really bad car accident. They are both still in ICU at a hospital in Louisville. Thank you so much for your prayers. Here is the brief update.

My dad is recovering very well. We are trying to make sure that he is doing everything he needs to do to make a full recovery. He still has a long road ahead of him and he gets tired easily. However, we consider ourselves truly blessed as his doctor's words were that he was a "walking time bomb" for a lethal heart attack. Thanks to everyone who visited, brought food, and most importantly prayed for him during this time.

My grandmother has 7 broken ribs, a cracked sternum, and a collapsed lung. The thing we are most concerned about with this situation is that she is 93 and recovery is going to be painful and slow. My aunt has a ruptured diaphram, crushed elbow, and and some heart problems. She has many surgeries ahead of her in the next few weeks. Once again, prayers appreciated.

My sister, Julie, and I flew to Boston to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to get a second opinion from a sarcoma specialist about mom. We are going to continue this hopefully LONG road of trial and error treatments, experimental meds, and praying for a miracle. The prognosis for leiomyosarcoma is not good, but my mom is a fighter, for sure! We will be traveling to Boston at least a few times in the next few months for some biopsies on the new growths as well as some clinical trial medications that can only be taken in Boston. We are flying back to Kentucky today. Once again, and I think you see the trend, please keep praying for us.

If you would like to send cards or words of encouragement to my mom or dad - here is their contact information. They truly are two of the most amazing people on the planet.

Sonny and Ruthie Fentress
1221 Stoneridge Road
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342

I will try my best to keep you guys updated.

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