12 December 2007

Return to Kenya - -

I am very excited as I write. One week from today I will be boarding a plane to return to the orphanage in Kenya. God continues to stretch and grow me from the lessons that I learned from my first journey to Kenya. (read below) Soon after our return, a few of our team members from the summer began to conjure up a new plan to spend Christmas with our new Kenyan friends. We have asked churches and individuals to help us be able to give each child and adult a present for Christmas. That is exactly what we are going to do. We are carrying totes full of presents, toys, toiletries, candy, etc.

Our team is so excited to celebrate the birth of our Savior with 59 new believers who will celebrate Christmas with a whole new perspective this year. We will spend time discipling Christians there while also building relationships so that we may share Christ with others. We will have a VBS/Daycamp beginning December 31-January 5. The week before we will celebrate Christmas and help the orphanage with some odds and ends jobs.

Please pray for this team. There will be 13 of us in all (eight of us are returnees from this past summer's project). Pray that God would use our team to bring Himself glory among the nations. Pray that our hearts would be changed because of our time in Africa. If you would like to be added to the prayer list, please contact me: sbfentress1@yahoo.com.

Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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