16 October 2008

That is ridiculous!!

I love to read about the life of Joshua in the Old Testament. His life was a series of what we would deem "ridiculous" events - each one preparing him for what was around the corner. Each situation grew Joshua in character and (more importantly) faith in God. First, he was able to be mentored by serving under Moses' leadership. He saw firsthand what God could do with a leader who was surrendered.

Once Joshua is put in the leadership position over the Israelites, each absurd task seems to lead to another seemingly ridiculous request. Sometimes we read stories in the Bible and are surprisingly unimpressed with the events that occur. In Joshua 3 he crosses the Jordan at flood stage with thousands of people, and they all cross on dry land. In chapter five, he circumcises grown men with a dull knife (this in itself seems to be miraculous to me). In chapter six, he defeats a city with the high military technique of walking and blowing trumpets. God would tell Joshua something to do. Joshua would contemplate, "He wants me to do what????" Each step of obedience seemingly led to another ridiculous request from God. Am I making any sense here?

I believe that (usually on a smaller scale) God does the same thing with us. Sometimes, each step of obedience that we take leads to another situation that seems nothing short of ridiculous to the rational mind. Did I just say that God is irrational? I might get in trouble for this one later, but I am going to say, "YES!" When we compare God's ways, actions, and plans up against our finite, limited minds, He can sometimes seem to be very irrational.

What I love about Joshua is that there never seems to be doubt or question in his response to God's ideas for his life. It's as if God's past faithfulness in Joshua's life has given him the freedom to obey wholeheartedly no matter what the request. This is the goal for my life, as well.

For example right now, I am seriously contemplating and praying about adopting a child from another country. This makes absolutely no sense when thinking with a rational mind. It is RIDICULOUS!! I am not married, do not have a 'steady income,' I live below the poverty line, travel is required/desired in my position, I am terrified of long term commitments, and I am sure there are many more if these are not convincing enough. It makes NO sense. It is ridiculous that I am even considering it, really! However, adoption crosses my mind every single day. I wake up at night thinking about orphans. I have such a desire to minister to orphans and widows. It goes much deeper than that, though. Good grief, I've already given her a name!!

Thank goodness God's ways are higher than our ways. I am so glad that He is not confined to what seems normal and rational to me - life would be so boring. Praise Him for leading us through a journey of faithfulness. This process has been my greatest joy in life - and before you know it I may be parting rivers just by putting my toe in. Ha ha! Bring it!

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