02 December 2011


I am excited for the first time since June.  God has given me a vision for a ministry to look after orphans and widows.  Check out the temporary website: http://www.127worldwide.org/.  The ministry is named after James 1:27 which says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  One of the first ways I want to get the word out about 127 is through an initiative called, "Ruthie's Box."

My mother had an infamous box in her dresser drawers. Each paycheck, she would put cash into a cardboard box that was duct taped shut with a small incision in the top which allowed her to make deposits. Perhaps the duct tape tricked her mind into thinking that this cash was off limits to everyday expenditures. The box was for a special need or a rainy day. My mom was very generous with the contents of her box, and she always wanted to have immediate money available as each need arose.

My mother, one of the strongest people that I have ever met, lost a dreadful battle with cancer on August 13, 2011. In the last few days of life, one thing that she reminded us of was, “Don’t forget about my box.” Our family had been planning a vacation for many months, and we were hoping that mom would be able to join us. Unfortunately that was not the way things worked out, but you would never imagine what we found when we opened up the box about a month after she passed away. My mother spent the last months of her life – in the midst of many trials in addition to cancer - stocking up more than $1,100 in her duct tape box!

I have prayed for God to make a way for my mother’s legacy to continue on throughout my life, and I believe that there will be many future opportunities for this. However, the first one that I want to publicize through 127 WorldWide is “Ruthie’s Box.” This will be a special fund that will be used as needs arise within the ministry. This money will not be used for salaries or light bills. Rather, it will be used for necessary purchases that will enhance what God is doing through 127 to look after orphans and widows around the globe. A few examples of these expenses would be web development and maintenance, travel expenses, displays, brochures, business cards, etc. As we are just in the infancy phase of ministry, these necessary purchases can be overwhelming. I am asking that you help to honor the life of Ruthie Fentress by making a contribution to Ruthie’s Box.

Simply make the check out to 127 WorldWide and write “Ruthie’s Box” on the memo line. All donations are potentially tax deductible as 127WW is finalizing their 501c3 tax exempt status with the IRS. Mail all contributions for Ruthie’s Box to 127 Worldwide PO Box 1277, Woodstock, GA 30188.  You can also click on the DONATE BUTTON below.


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