04 June 2009
Jonathan explains the Agricultural project
03 June 2009
Ephrem's Story
Meet my friend, Ephrem. He lives in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I am planning to visit him in October on a Ministry Overview Project. We will visit 8-10 ministries in one week to see how God is already at work in Ethiopia. Please let me know if you are interested in more details.
05 March 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
I loved the movie, “Slumdog Millionaire.” If you haven’t seen it, you really should. The more I learn about the movie, the more I LOVE it! I have never been to
Did you know two of the beautiful children in the movie are really kids who live on the streets of Mumbai? Can you imagine these families and their response as the casting director asked for their children to star in a
I understand their concern….however; I think this is a beautiful picture of what God does for us. I think this the essence of grace, unmerited favor. Out of the miry slums and tin shacks of Mumbai, two children are selected to star in a movie, walk on the red carpet on Oscar Night, go on stage at the Oscar’s to receive their Academy Award for Best Picture, and top of their journey with a trip to Disney Land!
If you have ever had the privilege to minister to orphans and street children, perhaps your heart skipped a beat when you watched Slumdog, as well. God has broken my heart for children just like Rubina Ali and Azhruddin Mohammed. More than 2,000 times the Bible mentions caring for the poor. Taking care of orphans and widows is central to having a heart like Christ. Go watch the movie. Then, pray about how God wants to use YOU to make a difference.
10 February 2009
God's Heart for Children
I was doing some research and ran across this from Viva Network (http://www.viva.org/)
They have spent some time working on a biblical framework document with respect to God's attitude to children. It is still a work in progress, but I think it does a good job of biblically supporting God's heart for children. Check it out.....
Childswickham, September 8th, 2004
1. God creates every unique person as a child with dignity.
We all begin life as children, created in the image of God. Children are born fully human, with identity and purpose. The journey of childhood is part of God’s plan. All people reflect God’s image through living in loving community with him and one another. Children most fully express their God-given dignity in glorifying Him.
God intends that no one prevent a child’s life from fulfilling His purpose. Respecting the image of God in every child demands a Christ-like response to nurture them throughout childhood.
Some biblical references:
• Gen. 1:26-31; 2:18-25 (creation)
• Ex. 22• Ps. 8• Ps. 139• Ecc. 11:9• Jer. 29
• Mt. 18:1-10 (“millstone,” welcoming children)
• Mt. 21:15-16• Jas. 1:27
2. Children need parental love in a broken world.
God’s design is for each child to be born, vulnerable and dependent, to loving parents within the covenant of marriage. God’s desire is for each child to grow in this secure, caring environment. In a fallen world, people and relationships can be damaged. When parents struggle to fulfil their intended role, others must provide dedicated care for them and their children.
God intends for all children to be raised by at least one loving, committed adult.
Some biblical references:
• Ps. 68:5 (Father to the fatherless)
• Ps. 127:4• Prov. 17:6; 22:6• Hos. 11:1-8 (Ephraim)
• Zeph. 3:14• Mt. 1; Luke 2 (Nativity story)
• Eph. 6:1-4• Col. 3:20
3. God gives children as a gift to welcome and nurture.
It is a privilege to join with children in celebrating their uniqueness, embracing childhood as formative for the whole person. Family, friends, church and the local community are responsible for creating an environment that promotes children’s well-being.
God intends for children to thrive in stable and loving relationships.
Some biblical references:
• Gen. 21:17-20; 30:17-20• 1 Sam. 2
• Ps. 127-128• Prov. 22:6• Hos. 11:1-4
• Zech. 6:1-9• Mt. 18:1-14• Luke 1:47-56, 67-79; 2:52
• Eph. 4:32; 5:1,2• 1 Thes. 2:7-12• 1 Tim. 4:12
4. Society has a God-given responsibility for the well-being of children and families.
All children and families live in society and are dependent on institutions for healthcare, shelter, access to social services, safe drinking water, information and safety. The church must collaborate with these institutions for the common good, and if they fail, the church must speak and act with and on behalf of the vulnerable.
God intends children to flourish in a just society.
Some biblical references:
• Dt. 6; 10:18• 1 Sam. 8:1-22
• Ps. 89:14• Prov. 28:5• Is. 10:1-3 (curse for unjust)
• Is. 28:17; 58• Lam. 2:19• Amos• Mic. 6:8
• Mt. 5-7• Mt. 25 (goats and sheep)
• Rom. 13:1-7• Jas. 1:27
5. Children are a promise of hope for every generation.
Each generation has a unique contribution in God’s purposes for human history. Children have been shaped by the history of their community, are living fully in the present moment, and will reshape their community for the future.
God intends that each generation will extend faith and fullness of life to the next. God intends that this generation grasp the centrality of children to his purposes for our time.
Some biblical references:
• Gen. 15:5; 16:10 (Isaac, Ishmael)
• Gen. 25:19-24 (Jacob and Esau)
• Gen. 48:15-49:28 (Jacob’s blessings and curses)
• Dt. 11:18-21 (teaching children)
• 2 Kgs. 22:1-2 (Josiah)• Est. 4:14• Ps. 2:8
• Ps. 90:1 (“shelter to every generation”)
• Ps. 127:3• Mt. 1 (genealogies)• Mt. 9:15-17; Luke 5:38 (“new wine”)
• Heb. 13:7 (“Alpha and Omega”)
6. God welcomes children fully into the family of faith.
Children are essential to the life and ministry of the church, bringing spiritual gifts and abilities and fulfilling definite roles. The church needs to be a place where children may dynamically connect with God and engage in meaningful participation; discipled, equipped and empowered for life and ministry. As members of the family of God, children are to be cared for as sons and daughters and are part of the admonition to love and serve one another.
God intends for churches to provide children with opportunities to know him and fulfil their calling in the body of Christ.
Some biblical references:
• 2 Kgs. 22:1-2 (Josiah)• Ps. 8:2
• Matt. 5:1-19 (“Bless them that persecute you”; Beatitudes)
• Matt. 18:1-5; Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48 (Jesus welcoming a little child)
• Matt. 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17
• Matt. 21:12-16; • Luke 2:41-50 (Jesus in temple, knowing Father’s work)
• Rom. 12:4-16 (one anothers, body of Christ)• Rom. 15:7 (welcome one another)
• Eph. 4:32; 5:21 (be kind; submit to one another)
7. Children are essential to the mission of God.
God desires every child in every generation across the world to know Him and make Him known. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus calls the whole Church to reconcile relationships: with God, with family, with community and with society.
God intends that His Church be a witness in every community of His transforming power, so that His purpose for every child can be accomplished.
Some biblical references:
• Gen. 12:2-4 (Abrahamic Covenant)
• Is. 6:8 (“Whom shall I send?”)
• Is. 61:1-4• Mt. 22:37-39; Lk. 10:25-37 (Great Commandment)
• Mt. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:15-18, 20; Lk. 4:16-20; Jn. 20:21 (Great Commission passages)
• Jn. 3:16• Rom. 12:4-5 (“We are one body.”)
• 2 Cor. 5: (“ministry of reconciliation”)
• Rev. (whole creation waits in anticipation)
07 February 2009
Ethiopia Highlight #1
This if from my journal on January 24th....
I might have had the best day of my trip today (even though it was my first day of ministry). I can't imagine it getting any better. We met with Ephriam, who runs a sports ministry for the street children in the center of Addis Ababa. We went to play sports with the children (which of course I always love). Many of the children are abandoned and actually sleep out on the streets (the youngest one, Hebron, was 5 years old!!) We played soccer, threw Frisbee, and gave the children stickers on their faces. There were lots of laughs, hugs, and smiles.
After we had been there for a few hours, I thought we were leaving to go home. The next thing I knew, twenty of the children hop in our vans and we take them to a restaurant. I can't even explain the looks on their faces when they were told, "GET WHATEVER YOU WANT!" Needless to say, the next half hour was PURE JOY. Cheeseburgers, milkshakes, mango juice, ice cream, and all SMILES! Here is a picture of two of my new friends, Benium and Yunas.